Sunday, October 19, 2008

21:03 singing cover me

This song really ministers to me. We, as Christians and people in general, need to realize that we need each other. We are not strong enough to do this on our own. Sometimes, we [especially me], feel the need to be "strong" and not ask for help or let people know that I'm struggling but a series of events made me get over that to a great degree. Pride aint worth it. All it takes sometimes is someone to simply say "You can make it" or "I'm proud of you." Not much in deed or time but much in action. With that said:

My brother or sister, whatever you are going through [Christian or not] I want you to know that you can make it. I want you to know that we are all struggling. None of us have arrived. Remember, I need you to cover me and continue to keep me lifted. Be blessed.

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