I was just called a "faggot" by someone claiming Christ to be his High Priest...hmmm...what manner of man is it than can claim to have the love of Christ by confessing with his mouth and then turn around with the same mouth and utter a word full of such hate? 1 Corinthians 13:4 reads "Charity suffereth long, and is KIND..." Is there any kindness in sermons and utterances of phrases such as this? How dare one claim to be Christian which is to claim to exhibit the love that Christ exhibited but be so hateful? They are condemned by the very book that they try to use to condemn people like me.
I shake my head and I pity these people because they are so misguided. They call me this for what purpose? Why? To make them feel better? To feel more righteous than I? Well if that helps you to feel like you are doing something right then I will be your "faggot". I will be the butt of your jokes. I will be the pervert because it is not I who appears to be the sinner. It is he who cries "Lord, Lord" but denies the message, the gospel of Christ himself..."the greatest commandment is love."
a lot of them are just the bottom of the pits! always judging negatively!
Good Job on the Blog! I Agree On Everything U Said. Let Them Hate. Always Be U N Luv Urself. Fuck What Anyone Says N I Am Happy 2 See It Doesnt Bother U What People Say! Keep Doing U :) Xo
I've gone through the same thing with my dad so I know what you're going through...I wouldn't even worry about it bro...just keep killin em wit kindness and I'll use bullets...LMAO
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