Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Walking In Authority...

Donnie McClurkin, in a not so recent single, stated "I'm walking in authority, living life without you might as well get used to me."

That is such a true statement, such a deeply spiritual revelation that bleeds into the natural realm of self-realization and coming into ones' own maturity.

On recent youtube videos, ones where I challenge concepts such as the "homosexual demon" and "demon possession of a sexual spirit" and a more recent video where I acknowledge Tonex's courage and honesty as a righteousness that so many "Christians" don't seem to have, at least not in plain sight, people have left comments telling me to stop fighting against "the Church" and to "let my hurt go" and "repent" and "turn away from my 'lifestyle'."

Before I continue, I would like to dismantle this notion of a "gay lifestyle", not for all homosexuals, but for myself. I do not have a life "style" I simply have a life. A life in which I am a homosexual, not by choice but by some unknown hand. And since I believe that God is in control, it is by his hand that I am a gay man. I do not feed into this "style" of living, I simply am.

Furthermore, what people have misconstrued is the fact that I do not seek to justify myself, my life, my orientation, to them. My videos, my poetry, does not speak from hurt per se, it speaks from a knowledge, a revelation of a genuine love for humanity. Regardless of the moral standpoint of homosexual people, I am indeed a human being with a right to love and be loved by a fellow human being of legal age, etc. without repercussion from an entity, that in all honesty, has lost its political clout year by year.

Though the clout has been lessened, it has not been obliterated because religion, Christianity specifically, has ingrained itself along the thought-processes and viewpoints of people who aren't truly Christian on a day-to-day-basis. They only seem Christian when it comes to the issue of gay marriage and how "defiling and abominable" it is for a man to be with a man and a woman to be with a woman.

I speak out, as ONE VOICE against the detestation of the gay man and lesbian woman. I speak, not for myself only, but for a people who have not been able to speak so freely in times past. I speak for a people who may be too frightened to speak simply because they fear the wrath of God, or rather the wrath of their "Christian" parents and their peers.

So when I come against the notion of a gay demon, I do this not as an attack on the Church. But as an attack on the mindset that who I love is "evil" and "sinful". To tie in the first sentence of this post, I will proceed by saying that "I am walking in authority." The authority that God granted me to be who I am, sinful or not, God has used many imperfect people, according to the Bible, for great and monumental purposes. Noah was a drunk but he was chosen to be freed from the flood. Abraham was a liar yet he was chosen to be the "father of many nations." King David was a murderer, a liar, and an adulterer, yet he was a man "after God's own heart."

So apparently, God has no problem using flawed individuals to do great things for Him and His people. With that said, I will go on by quoting the rest of that chorus: " life without apology."

This is my life. This is my vocation. The path that I was given to walk, and trust and believe that I will walk it proudly. Not because of self-pride, but because of confidence in the God who formed me from the clay of my mother's womb. Trust in the God who holds "the whole world in his hands."

This God gave a revelation to Mr. McClurkin and he said it best when he sang "...its not wrong dear, I BELONG HERE. So you might as well get used to me."

1 comment:

Alexandria said...

amen I loved this message and also yesterday's message as well.