Sunday, September 27, 2009

Gay Exorcism Interview

This situation was not mediated well. People were talking over each other, screaming, yelling, and being just plain rude. Though I disagree with the prophetess and the overseer, that does not give me a right to attack them and do to them what so many people are doing to us. They shouldn't be demonized either, that isn't fair. However, my heart goes out to Jeffrey or Geoffrey (not sure how its spelled). I have been where that young man is now. I hope he doesn't fall apart like I did.

I also admire the True Colors representative. She was so real, so truthful. The statistics that Tyra has, if true, are vital to understanding that gay people are here, and though behavior may change, that really won't change. Whether I'm straight acting or feminine, the inside still looks the same as the next gay man. We need more voices like Tyra to speak on this. More voices like the young woman who was representing True Colors. This issue is real and it needs to be resolved, while respecting the views and opinions and religious beliefs of others.

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