Friday, June 6, 2008


So...I received a letter in the mail today from the Financial Aid department of UNC-Greensboro. This letter was to regretfully inform me about the DENIAL of my appeal to regain my federal aid for the Fall 2008 semester. DENIED Seeing those words should have hurt more or made me upset or something but strangely, they did not. I was already mentally prepared for this letter. Since I couln't finance my return to UNCG the easy way it just let me know that I will have to do it another way. There is nothing I want more at this point in my life than to finish my education. My dreams will NOT be deferred or deterred by a piece of modified wood with markings that tell me that my request was DENIED. I have been "denied" all my life and still I have made it. There is Someone on my side and I dont have to fear such letters. The letter of denial just let me know that God has a better way for me to go about college. Perhaps God's way will not add more debt to me and even if it does I really feel that its worth it.

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